Mermaid MMCXIX

I don't have any mermaids-of-color, I don't think. I should probably develop some. I have a Japanese one, Umiko 宇美子 I should update Umiko to be more of a lionfish or something. Shark fins or something for African or Caribbean mermaids?


Another mermaid tattoo that would probably not be my first choice.

Mermaid MMCXV

Here's proof that I should probably never get another (mermaid) tattoo. I could never decide which one to get, and I'd end up getting covered in mermaid tattoos or something. Best not to open that box.


Mermaid MMCXIV

Not the exact sort of mermaid tattoo I'd get, but how far wrong can you go with a mermaid tattoo...?


I like the idea of a pattern running down the side of her tail, it could even be a kind of a logo or such...

Mermaid MMCXI

she puddy.  I gotta do some sketching and expand my expressive range a bit, I think...



This one is kind of gruesome. The leitmotif of mermaids being caught by fishermen (and eaten) to say?...long-standing? Time honoured? I've seen it in MAD Magazine once or twice, by the way.

What sort of feminist commentary is this? On one hand, we have the mermaid, free, living comfortably in a frightening, dark and unfamiliar realm, able to lure men to their deaths with her powers, beautiful, alluring, etc., and yet here able to be caught and dragged in, and killed? by fishermen, men who are able to brave these harsh and dangerous environments.



Mollusks around Moscow

This guy's tragically dead. Have not seen many slugs around this summer, or maybe the last. I don't think we have any snails.