
模倣子 Choosing Libidinal Bribes

Speaking of "libidinal bribes", your "Finish It Friday"1 idea is probably something that might solve the "Doughnut2 and Pizza3 ineffectiveness" problem I mentioned.

still have to fight the apathy  and I'm not sure finish-it-Friday is enough motivation

There must be dozens of possible things that provide libidinal bribes from "The Big Other", i.e., the Company, that might be tailored to each person.  The apathy is a huge problem, and I take it as an article of faith that this could be overcome by this means, and my faith is often mightily tried and seldom rewarded in this regard.

I think it might be a good tack to just see it all as "data" in the development of some theory.

As I write in one of my other comics (a NSFW one, for various reasons), the assumption that a "beholden population" such as a corporate staff, are somehow beyond the ken of memetics, i.e., they may be made to behave in an arbitrarily determined fashion by fiat, is just plain wrong.
You have to consider this motivational system and do it right, or it simply won't work very well and you'll be reduced to a least common denominator.

1Proposal for the company to comp after-work excursions to a bar on Friday to finish up work, such as code reviews, etc. (needs to be done in groups), to get the whole group together, working.
2"Blue Shirt Tuesday" where doughnuts are brought and anybody who wears a blue shirt that day may have some for free. Enforcement (if any) is carried out by fellow workers. Doughnuts may or may not be bought by the company (not is probably best).
3"Prime Pizza Thursday" where free pizzas are put out with "idea boxes" where one is expected to write a prime number and an "idea" (anything really) on a chit of paper and put it in to get some pizza. The ideas and prime numbers are then typed up (all is anonymous, of course) and e-mailed out to everyone in the building.

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