
模倣子 Immunomemetic Knee-jerks

I've already written about how people deploy immunomemes, effectively, bully one another, because they can. It remains to illucidate how individuals select which immunomene to deploy in a given situation. This decision is made very quickly, and is very decisive, typically. That is, the right meme is selected and it's delivered with precision, i.e., it's a very exact copy of what everyone expects. It does not appear to be spontaneously generated as a novel action.  Immunomemes, moreso than other memes appear to be regurgitated very much by rote.

This can manifest itself as The Urge to Kibbitz, or make knee-jerk suggestions. This is a slightly less injurious form of immunomeme, but is an immunomeme nonetheless, since it has a conservative effect of the memetic fabric by suppressing novel memes.

The intolerance of genius is almost certainly a manifestation of the same thing, either outright hostility or the blunting of productivity and effectiveness.

More on this later...

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