Ladies, 10 Things You Need
To Know About The Male
When I called
Benjamin Brucker, M.D,
assistant professor of Urology at NYU Langone
Medical Center, to talk about penises, he had a
lot to say. “I’m happy that I found someone as
interested in the male phallus as I am,” he told
me, enthusiastically. And then he proceeded
to tell me everything there is to know about
penises. Here are the 10 penis facts everyone
handling penises should know:
1. There’s really no difference between
circumcised and uncircumcised
penises. The only discernable difference
between circumcised and uncircumcised
penises is the likelihood of developing penile
cancer (it’s rare in general, but uncircumcised
men are at a higher risk). Uncircumcised men
are also slightly more likely to transmit HPV
and HIV to partners if they don’t use a
Those bummers aside, most of the
assumptions people have about circumcision
affecting penis size and sexual prowess are
myths. “Being uncircumcised really should not
affect the size of the penis; it’s just the
appearance,” says Dr. Brucker. “It’s probably
not something they really notice, per se. The
foreskin probably pulls back a bit during
vaginal penetration and so I don’t know if
there’s anything they would necessarily
notice.” It’s really just personal preference: Do
you prefer your convertibles with the hood up
or down?
2. Penises can break. “It’s called a penile
fracture. You would think of a bone fracturing
because that’s what most fractures are
described as, but the fracture in the penis
comes from the fibrous tissue of the penis
essentially developing a rip or a tear in it,”
says Dr. Brucker. Because we all know the
penis is not a bone or a muscle, but an organ,
right?! Right! “Sometimes in medical textbooks
they’ll call [a broken penis] an ‘eggplant
deformity’ or an ‘eggplant’ because it will
actually turn purple, bruised, and take on that
shape of an eggplant.” Every man reading this
just swore off eating eggplants forever.
3. But they’re pretty resilient. It might be
easy to do some damage to a penis with an
errant tooth or an overzealous grip, but don’t
worry about doing any permanent damage.
Going limp is the penis’s natural reaction if a
guy is in any kind of pain (to avoid becoming
an eggplant). “The good news about the penis
is that it has a lot of blood flow in most men,
so it heals well and allows your immune
system to work,” said Dr. Brucker, “but just
like any other part of your body it needs to be
treated appropriately and you don’t want to be
too aggressive.”
4. Men can get yeast infections and UTIs
too. Typically, you’re not going to pass on yeast
infections or UTIs to your partner, although it
can happen. “A female urethra is usually about
four centimeters and the man’s urethra is
longer. Some guys can get topical yeast
infections; it’s usually just a skin irritation.
When a man gets a urinary tract infection,
there’s usually a problem going on, like an
enlarged prostate,” explains Dr. Brucker.
5. Erectile dysfunction is usually indicative
of other health issues. “ There’s a whole
category called ‘psychogenic erectile
dysfunction.’ So let’s say a man had an affair
and he goes back to have sex with his wife.
Things don’t feel the same and he has difficult
time getting an erection,” says Dr. Brucker.
That doesn’t mean every man with ED is a
cheater. Stress, drugs (prescription or
otherwise), alcohol, age, and obesity can all
cause ED. Erectile dysfunction can even be a
sign of diabetes or heart disease. “Once you
start to see erectile dysfunction, the first thing
you should evaluate is his overall health.”
6. No one actually knows the average penis
size. There’s no standard tool for measuring a
penis and no easy way of doing so. Some
studies stretch the penis out by tying a weight
to it (oy), others measure from the base of the
pre-pubic area as opposed to the base of the
penis. And penises are always changing size. “A
large portion of the penis is actually inside of
the body and then there’s also the distinction
between when you’re measuring the penis of a
man who has a little bit of weight in the pubic
hair area or not. You can have a guy with the
actual same penis length and he’s super skinny
— the portion of the penis measured may
appear to be longer versus a guy with a little
weight on him.”
7. The clitoris is basically a tiny penis. “In
embryologic development, the penis and the
clitoris actually evolve from the same tissue.
So the clitoris can technically become erect,”
explains Dr. Brucker. Basically, everyone starts
with vaginal lips in the womb, and if the Y
chromosome is present, things start flipping
around like a genital Transformer. “The
ovaries, or the gonads, descend and become
the testicles, the labia fuse and become the
scrotum, and then the clitoris enlarges and
becomes the penis.” Wild.
8. There’s really no scientific basis for the
idea of a guy being a “grower not a
shower.” Every penis is different. “You can
have a man with a small penis who gets
erections and is large, or a man with a small
penis who gets erect and it doesn’t grow more,
or you can have a man with a large penis who
gets erect but it doesn’t grow anymore. Or you
can have a man with a large penis who gets
erect and it grow more,” says Dr. Brucker.
Judge not ye the penis that neither grows nor
9. Only being able to have sex for two
minutes isn’t really premature
ejaculation. “Men think they’re supposed to
be able to last an hour and a half or two hours,
but the reality is most women would say at
that point sex becomes uncomfortable. Most
of the time sex lasts minutes, not hours,” says
Dr. Brucker. The average guy lasts about five
10. Men can’t always get erections back-to-
back because their penises basically just
ran a marathon. Every penis is different.
Some can do back-to-back sex sessions, and
others need to take a break and rehydrate. It’s
what’s known as a refractory period. “The
refractory period is just part of normal
physiology. Different parts of your nervous
system are working for erections and
ejaculation, and it’s hard for your body to
switch back and forth quickly. The refractory
time varies a lot based on age and other
issues,” says Dr. Brucker. Don’t be
disappointed if the penis needs a break every
once in a while. It’s just extra time for him to
go down on you or try something new.
#1 and #5 are probably wildly inaccurate, who knows about the others. It is telling, by the way, that #1 is about circumcision.
M'thinks he doth protest too much?
It's not about ED or how men experience pleasure (which isn't even mentioned), or how men can best give women pleasure, or even the best ways to get a baby, if any.
Here's what I tried. I suggest a similar tone, even use the letter below, but change it up a bit, e.g., "Please let me know" swapped for "Can you please tell me" "I heard that" for "read an alleged quote" or move the paragraphs around with "tell me if the FOLLOWING information" and so on.
I suggest this "just asking" "neutral-sounding" tone to fly under the radar, put out the message that there is questioning going on, especially if they get hundreds of messages, all politely asking just yes or no. That will send the message that they'd better get their facts straight, that people are no longer just uncritically swallowing whatever the medical industry trowels out.
The next stage is more specific questioning of specific points, possibly with the citation of facts, perhaps expressing "confusion" or "desire for clarification" continue to maintain the posture of "constructive engagement"
Then move on to "challenging" i.e., pointing out the glaring inconsistencies, building sarcastic memes (viral ideas to polarize the public mindset, a kind of "mob consensus" if you will) and directly confronting those who cling to them and probably after that a "making an example of" certain people who continue to defend the wrong way of thinking. This latter can be abetted by the "challenging" of certain individuals or groups to make more extreme actions and statements which are then used against them.
Kind of the "Karl Rove" approach, but with a codicil. The "nice phase four" is where you begin challenging after there are already converts to the new position, e.g., urologists and ob/gynecologists who have already "converted" and form a coherent "loyal opposition" and a matured worldview that others can switch over to when the pressure mounts, also, engineering what that "switching" process can look like, e.g., how to save face like Dr. Spock switched, admitting he had ruined the lives of or even killed thousands of babies, but somehow saying he's not going to do it any more. The "hard-ass phase four" is that you don't provide all that and people have to jump ship now, swallow their pride or whatever...or else.
Contact Dr. Brucker’s Practice Managers by email or Ellen.Taunton@nyumc.orgEngineering this is all part of the process.
subject: Was Dr. Brucker quoted correctly on differences between circumcised and uncircumcised penis?
Dear practice managers of Dr. Benjamin Brucker
I read an alleged quote from Dr. Brucker that there is really no difference between a circumcised and an uncircumcised penis, but that uncircumcised men are more likely to develop penile cancer or transmit HIV or HPV to their partners, and that the only real difference is appearance.
Can you please tell me if the foregoing information is in fact what Dr. Brucker is teaching, telling patients and the press? I would like to be able to tell if he is being misquoted and I would not wish to cite such quotes from him without ascertaining that they are authoritative.
Thanks in advance for your timely and thoughtful response
Yours sincerely
[my name]