
模倣子 Women Get Out First

Women have issues, and men have issues. The mistreatment of women seems somehow less justifiable and easier to fix. It just seems stupid, cruel, and pointless. The mistreatment of men seems to revolve around having to do really horrible jobs (mining, toxins & radiation, construction in all weather, deep diving, or combinations, etc.) and going to war to be slaughtered with a cruelty we usually spare even insects, but I'm not sure any of that can actually be solved. I'm convinced that we can't even begin to attempt to solve men's problems until we first solve women's problems. Also, abstract problems like global warming, war, pollution, oppression, overpopulation (the cause of all of them) will never be solved until and unless we solve women's problems first. 
To take the tack that women "have worse problems than men" is simply wrong-headed. Any fool could argue the contrary and it makes the whole movement look stupid and petty and politically cynical. And the women's liberation movement is, as I've stated, THE MOST IMPORTANT and FIRST PRIORITY humanity has to concern itself with right now, so a bunch of self-serving idiots screwing it up and running it into the ground by doing it wrong should be deeply unsettling. 
You could say that women are more important than men or that women have a higher priority than men, and in a sense that's true, but you could also say that in a spiritual and mental and social sense the two genders are equal. Understanding and balancing the difference between those two is the trick, and many people don't seem to be up to the task. A good bare minimum place to start might be to recognize that women have a few extra physiological "needs" to do with their reproductive powers (and to some degree this is true of men, too) and any place where these are still allowed to get in the way of women's freedom to fully take part must be removed, or we're not there yet. However, just as the disabled have a right to their wheelchair ramps, they also have the responsibility to a) ask for them when they are absent, and to b) use them once they are provided. Just complaining that you are being left out, and not seeking allies to help you figure it out are NOT options.

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