
模倣子 Stick Figure Indians

From Vincent Schilling's work in Indian Country Today.

"It's a native thing..."

Actually, women being sensible and in charge seems to be the norm in every country I know. Since this is herein presented as some kind of oddity, maybe it's not considered to be true in US....?

It's a Native Thing

Chicks legitimize whatever it is that guys are doing. If chicks get involved, guys like it because it's a strong message that whatever they're doing is somehow "real" and "significant" and not just some "stupid guy thing".  Playing Dungeons & Dragons, skateboarding, and of course, sex, leap to mind as examples.  It makes me glad when I see chicks riding skateboards around town, playing D&D, programming computers, working on cars, or doing serious mathematics and engineering. If chicks are doing the same thing as me, it says that I'm not some pathetic self-involved loser metaphorically jerking off in a corner someplace.
Why Women Tribal Leaders Can Be a Good Idea

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