
Europe, Ukraine, NATO under Trump


Constantine & the Council of Nicaea

Constantine short

milvian bridge

eh 1

EH 2

EH 3

EH 4

EH 5

EH Lies


trump’s plans




And you should be able to access the actual sheet and make updates HERE


漫画 Step Fourth Part III Comic Book

Full Manga Index 

I'm going to try to put all the comics to do with this new book here. Starting in a few days...

Louise needs to start out in the subconscious, somehow checking out the various personalities, and explain the day planner, notebook, and mail box and other organizing systems, and how they help the parts communicate.

She emerges from the subconscious via the bogs door, and then goes to welcome Penny aboard. They have their little Japanese pun-riddled, “only my baggage allowed” thing.

Waiting for the bus

The bus arrives

Louise explains to Penny about the driver's seat, and have PISTOL and Jovial driving the bus. (1)

Louise needs to explain the cabinets can contain memory capsules, and the bogs are where things randomly come out, or go back in, from the subconscious (or wherever).

Opening Longtime Companion

Louise Explains the Planner & Notebooks


(1) Maybe allude to Pistol calling Jovial and Scheduler out of the subconscious to help him drive while Louise is there explaining the planner. Maybe have an intercom call them out, and scheduler has to leave, and they explain that jovial isn't there because he’s helping Pistol.

I need to work out how to use macromemetic notation, i.e.,

MIAO.State.agent.meme! => NewState

For instance, do we go with

[ANXIETY, MANIA]Pistol.jovial.drive! => Pistol.scheduler.review!clear-tasks!make-list!

And scheduler can be a kind of looped state that will go forever if not interrupted, while jovial is task-oriented, and lowers Pistol’s anxiety while he's running, because of RESULTS which may be an icon governing the state, hence

[ANXIETY, MANIA, RESULTS]Pistol.jovial, or perhaps a better notation might be
[ANXIETY, MANIA]Pistol.results.jovial.drive! => MANIA.Pistol.results.jovial.work!

In other words, Pistol running as a state gives results the chance to run, but then running jovial acts as an immunomeme which allows transition to a state where MANIA is reduced.


Nano: Writing a Captivating First Chapter

I'll preface by saying that I never know which chapter is going to be my first sometimes until I get into the editing process...

Here's some good tips I found for writing a captivating first chapter. Of course, some rules can be broken intentionally, but never unintentionally. And some we already know, but its nice to have a list to look at. :)