
模倣子 Hug A Snitch

 Modern Wisdom Video 

The idea that “vigilantism” is universally bad may be suspect. The failure to express meaningful disapproval for failure to respect social principles that we all value means that those principles will atrophy. If nobody ever says “hey, stop that” and more importantly “yeah, I second what that guy said” (the “hug a snitch” factor). 

The police can’t be everywhere, and indeed it would probably be bad if they were. Besides, they are implementing our social values by proxy. 

It’s similar to the idea that “there aren’t enough tigers” ie, that if the idiots don’t walk off the cliff on their own, the tigers 🐅 (or officialdom) will never get around to eating them. 

It’s a basic application of the law of externalities that the police (and the tigers) are always understaffed and overworked, so they need all the help they can get. On top of that, by helping an understaff police force, the public garners more control over what the police are focusing on. 

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