
模倣子 it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity

 Memetic Index 

Hey howdy 🤠 

How is the heat down there?

It’s been around a hundred around here a lot, and a scientist 👨‍🔬 buddy says that’s 15 degrees above the fifty-year average for this time of year. 

We may all be doomed. Past a certain 🌧️ 🌡️ humidity and temperature, it’s impossible for the human body to shed heat, no matter how much we perspire 💦 

I’ve been to Egypt 🇪🇬 a couple of times and it’s 130 in the shade there, but it’s a dry heat and if you stay hydrated 💧 you can sweat 😅 it out, but in huge swaths of the planet 🌍 🌏 where billions live, India, China, Southeast Asia, central Africa, etc., life may simply become impossible, and quite suddenly, millions left dead ☠️ almost overnight, as though a giant bomb 💣 had gone off. 

I read about the idea a “wet bulb 💡 🌡️ event” which I need to follow up on, since I recall reading 📖 that it had already happened at least once in India 🇮🇳 with entire villages, regions, simply wiped out overnight, tens of thousands of bodies literally strewn everywhere, lying where they had collapsed, as if from a kind of sudden suffocation, to be discovered by troops and would-be rescue 🛟 workers who came in after the heat had subsided. 

I wonder which of the three horses 🐎 🐴 🐎 of Thomas Malthus that counts as? He didn’t count on technology 🤖 getting us out of the resource/subsistence hole 🕳️ we dig for ourselves, but he also didn’t count on our destroying the climate such that we can’t live there anymore. 

The USA 🇺🇸 military apparently take climate change VERY seriously.

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