Manga Index
漫画 Louise Shoulders Cocked
模倣子 Intro to 3x3 Chimple Game
Meme Index - 4x4 Chimple Game
A game on a three-by-three nine-square grid, with pieces only at the corners has fewer moving parts than the 4x4 game, obviously, and may make it easier to understand. I want to lay out all of the deployment descriptors for this game.
The Game
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fig. 1.1. Starting Board for Chimple
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fig. 1.2. Movement of Pieces
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fig. 1.3. Capture Directions
Left | Mid | Right | |
Top | 9:TopLeft | 8:TopMid | 7:TopRight |
Mid | 6:MidLeft | 5:MidMid | 4: MidRight |
Bot(tom) | 3: BotLeft | 2: BotMid | 1:BotRight |
fig. 2.1. Positional Notation
Deployment Descriptors
For every space on the board, we write a deployment descriptor for capturing another piece that might be there, or spaces that it might move to. These make references to the same sort of (though smaller) collision and capture matrices that I describe in the 4x4 version of the game. Each of these start with the state as defined by the position of the piece (agent) which potentially move.
The "enemy" bit is a virtual agent, in other words, it's the AND intersection of the capture filter matrix and the rotated position matrix of the opponent side. There's either nobody there, or somebody, and we sort of don't care who. The capture is either up or down, and then left or right, in other words, "up-left" or "up-right" or "down-left" or "down-right" or capture!(up-left), capture!(up-right), capture!(down-left), or capture!(down-right). Motion of a piece is either up! down! left! right! Further, "block" is a superposed virtual agent which can be either one's own pieces or the opponent's, and is constructed by superposing one's own position matrix with the rotation of the opponents, and ANDed with the collision matrix for the position in question. no-block is the negation of this, i.e., there's nobody blocking the spot, that is, for example, no-block.MidRight. This gives us whether anybody is blocking the spot MidRight.
Capture Memes from Lower Right Corner
agent.BotRight.enemy.MidMid.agent.capture!(up-left) => agent.MidMid
Movement Memes from Lower Right Corner! => agent.MidRight! => agent.BotMid
So the above deployment descriptors may be generated for every space on the board, and it's symmetric for both players, since they may be rotated and superposed with one another. The state of the system may be represented, as I write in the 4x4 version, by rotating the white side, multiplying by two, and superposing with the black position matrix. This is a 9-digit base-3 number, one distinct number for each possible state. There are a number of impossible states, and at least five of the spaces are blank, so the representation is sparse.
Complete List of Deployment Descriptors
The total number of capture descriptors is one for each of the corners and two for each of the four sides, and four for the center, or 4 + 2 x 4 + 4 = 16. For the motion descriptors, we have two for each of the corners, three for each of the four sides, and four for the center, or 2 x 4 + 3 x 4 + 4 = 24. So we're looking at some forty descriptors for the whole board.
agent.BotRight.enemy.MidMid.agent.capture!(up-left) => agent.MidMid! => agent.MidRight! => agent.BotMid
agent.BotMid.enemy.MidRight.agent.capture!(up-right) => agent.MidRight
agent.BotMid.enemy.MidLeft.agent.capture!(up-left) => agent.MidLeft! => agent.MidMid! => agent.BotLeft! => agent.BotRight
agent.BotLeft.enemy.MidMid.agent.capture!(up-right) => agent.MidMid! => agent.MidLeft! => agent.BotMid
agent.MidRight.enemy.TopMid.agent.capture!(up-left) => agent.TopMid
agent.MidRight.enemy.BotMid.agent.capture!(down-left) => agent.BotMid! => agent.MidMid! => agent.TopRight! => agent.BotRight
agent.MidMid.enemy.TopLeft.agent.capture!(up-left) => agent.TopLeft
agent.MidMid.enemy.TopRight.agent.capture!(up-right) => agent.TopRight
agent.MidMid.enemy.BotLeft.agent.capture!(down-left) => agent.BotLeft
agent.MidMid.enemy.BotRight.agent.capture!(down-right) => agent.BotRight! => agent.TopMid! => agent.MidLeft! => agent.MidRight! => agent.Bot.Mid
agent.MidLeft.enemy.TopMid.agent.capture!(up-right) => agent.TopMid
agent.MidLeft.enemy.BotMid.agent.capture!(down-right) => agent.BotMid! => agent.MidMid! => agent.TopLeft! => agent.BotLeft
agent.TopRight.enemy.MidMid.agent.capture!(down-left) => agent.MidMid! => agent.MidRight! => agent.TopMid
agent.TopMid.enemy.MidRight.agent.capture!(down-right) => agent.MidRight
agent.TopMid.enemy.MidLeft.agent.capture!(down-left) => agent.MidLeft! => agent.MidMid! => agent.TopLeft! => agent.TopRight
agent.TopLeft.enemy.MidMid.agent.capture!(down-right) => agent.MidMid! => agent.MidLeft! => agent.TopMid
All this means is that if the enemy.MidMid or the no-block.MidRight virtual agents come back with a positive, i.e., the move or the capture are possible, these simply get put down as "eligible moves." It remains to work out how the team decides what it's going to do and that's a whole other kettle of fish. I try to poke at this idea in my earlier essay on Skins and Games. It could be a random selection model, it could be ideomemeplex models (which are ultimately arbitrary and unsatisfactory), and then some kind of accumulative historical model.
Summary & Conclusions
I think I have gotten all of the deployment descriptors needed for 3x3 Chimple. I might add the filter matrices for each of these no-block.BotMid and enemy.MidRight and such as matrix operations based on the filter matrices and so forth.
Still very much needing to be investigated on deployment decision models. The above model only provides a way of generating the possible memes which may be deployed at any given moment. The trick is to come up with something that is satisfyingly non-abitrary.
模倣子 Into to 4x4 Chimple Game
I'm trying to create a regularized and simplified version of chess (2) that I can analyze and ultimately computerize to do things like (I hope) simulate societies in conflict (1).
I initially thought of a 3x3 version of the game, with only four pieces, at the corner, and this makes the set of deployment descriptors smaller and easier to deal with. At any rate, I've already laid out the four-by-four version of the game, so I'll leave this here, and make a new
The Game
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fig. 1.1. Starting Board for Chimple
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fig. 1.2. Movement of Pieces
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fig. 1.3. Capture Directions
Game State
The state of the entire game may be expressed as a 16-digit base-3 number. For instance, the starting state of the game may be named 2222,0000,0000,1111 (6). Each time a move is made (meme deployed) the board state changes. I hope that there will be a very clear and direction connection between the notation for eligible moves I describe below and which shall be the resultant next state, and that this will lend itself readily to a computer program implementation.
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
fig 2.1. starting position matrix P for one side
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
fig 2.2. rotation matrix R
The "white" position matrix, W, is rotated to Wr and multiplied by two for purposes of combining both sides to product the overall system state matrix (7), or looking at one side from the perspective of the other, for captures, may be achevied by the following operation:
Wr = R x W x R fig. 2.2.1. "white from black's perspective"
Br = R x B x R fig. 2.2.2 "black from white's perspective"
S = B + ( Wr x 2 ) fig. 2.2.3. "state matrix"
The assumption is that overlapping pieces is not allowed (8), since any such transition would be invalid. Any meme deployment (move) would involve a move to an empty space, or a capture.
For every space on the board, we can envisage "filter matrices" (10) which tease out whether there are capture opportunities from that space (based on the rotation of the other side's position matrix) or obstacles to movement (based on one's own position matrix, possibly with the piece in question removed).
For example, on the opening move for the black side, the far left corner piece (see fig. 1) can move forward or to the right, but is blocked on the right (9) by another piece. If there is an enemy piece up and diagonally to the right, that is a capture opportunity. So we have two filter matrices.
Collision Filter | Capture Filter | |||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
fig. 2.3. Filter matrices for lower left corner
So we perform an AND operation with the capture filter and the rotated enemy position matrix, and if non-zero, we have capture opportunities, and an AND between the own position matrix and the collision matrix to determine which positions, if any, are free to move to. In practice, as we'll see below, we shall want a set of capture and collision matrices, each with only one non-zero element, as this will dovetail more cleanly into the deployment determination system I will describe below.
Game Dynamics
My idea is to represent all movements in the game as deployment descriptors with the addition of the idea of "agent state" (5) which I think will make the game easy to write as a computer program. I shall probably elaborate all of the deployment descriptors for the game in a separate document, much as I did for my Triangular Baseball thought experiment. For now, I shall endeavor to give an overview and the seed of an idea how all of the possibilities might be elaborated, and how this might lead directly to a computer implementation.
First off, how many deployment descriptors are we looking at? Roughly speaking, pieces at any of the four corners may move to two spaces or attack one, three total, the eight side places may attack two and move to three, for five, while the four center spaces may attack four and move to four. So the possible "things one can do" is on the order of:
4 x ( 2 + 1 ) + 8 x ( 2 + 3 ) + 4 x ( 4 x 2 ) = 12 + 40 + 32 = 84
What I hope to demonstrate is that with my slightly enhanced deployment descriptor notation it should be possible to describe which deployments (moves) are eligible for each piece on a team for any given state of the board. Moreover I hope each of these deployment descriptors shall lead directly and easily to the update of the board state.
Conclusions & Summary
I'm going to work up a 3x3 version of the game which will have fewer states, but will have similar, but smaller collision and capture filter matrices.
I need to come up with a naming system for the spaces in this 4x4 game, perhaps just the numbers of the spaces, 1-16. I will try come back to elaborate all of the deployment descriptors for the 4x4 game, either in this essay, or linked to a separate page.
So all I've done here is lay out how the game works, and made a bit of a foray into how it might be computerized.
One thing that remains is the system, or ideomemplex, that governs how the system, or the agents in it, make their decisions about which memes to deploy. This goes back to my essay on skins and random organic growth of memetic matrices.
(1) For instance, two sets of pieces, white and black, would be governed by each by different memeplexes. That is, each would have independent memetic inventories and deployment matrix systems.
(2) simplified chess = "chimple". I have an earlier attempt at the game which I'm going to simplify further, e.g., such that pieces do not change into "queens" partway through, so that the entire board may be represented as a 16-digit base-3 number, i.e., that is the envelope for the number of states. In fact, each side's state may be represented as a 16-digit binary number, and they may be totally symmetric with one side flipped and superposed over the other to produce a "collision matrix."
(3) When all of one side's pieces are pinned in by the other side and are unable to make any move, that's one way for the game to end.
(4) In principle the size of the board and the number of pieces may be expanded indefinitely, and even other shapes used, or pieces initially deployed in more complex arrangements, once the dynamics of this simple version of the game is worked out. There could even be more than two players. The present goal is to work out the dynamics of the game, and the hope is that it may be expanded in complexity later.
(5) Normally deployment descriptors are of the format of! => NewState, and the variation of "immunomemetic notation" which looks like State.agent1.meme1!agent2.meme2!! => NewState. To this I add "agent state" which looks like! => NewState. Hopefully the usefulness of this notation in expression which states are "eligible" for deployment will become clear.
(6) The lower left corner of the board is three to the zero, and the upper left is three to the fifteenth. Black pieces have value 1, white 2. If we divide the board into two sides, the white and black may each be represented as 16-digit binary numbers, and there two rotated and superposed as needed. These matrices are all sparse, of course, since there are at least eight blank spaces on the board at all time.
(7) The system state number is derived from the system matrix by simply adding up all of the nodes in the system matrix (rotated W, or Wr, times two, plus B, the black position matrix). Each state has its own distinct system matrix with is homologous to a system state number.
(8) It might be interesting to elaborate all of the "disallowed" configurations. Any state number disallows piece overlaps, naturally, since each place must be a white, black, or blank. However, some corruption of the position matrices of each side could produce this, although it would not be properly reflected in the system state. Things like more than four pieces of each color, or configurations that could not be reached by a valid sequence of moves would have state numbers, but would not actually be possible states (without a modification of the rules, that is).
(9) The left corner piece is also not allowed to move backwards or to the left, which may be a larger issue. But as we'll see in the deployment dynamics section, these moves will not even be considered as eligible moves, any sort of matrix filtering notwithstanding.
(10) one problem in our model is going to be how to identify each agent as represented in the position matrix with some kind of individual identity of said agent. Initially we don't care -- the game will work minimally without this -- but in order for it to function as a memetic fabric there must be a one-to-one identification. Since each agent "decides" what action to take, they could maintain a copy of their own state, represented in the position matrix. The only update that would come "backwards" from the position matrix is if a piece is captured, and they then discover that they've been erased when their turn comes up again--something like that.
Dune Honest Trailers et al
My other post on the missing Dune movie (which I'd like to see...!) and a critique I wrote.
Dune 1
Dune 2
I gotta work on my Christopher Walken impression!!
Rebel Moon
Rebel Moon 2
I love her! Chinese Typing
I love her! She's made a lot of other cool videos!
I wonder if I'm typing Japanese at top speed—it’s kind of the same...
Three Bad Human Habits Destroying Democracy
Bad Habits that are Killing Democracy
This guy has some funny, and insightful, stuff to do with Star Trek’s Starfleet parodies.
模倣子 Memetic History Game
Meme Index - Glossary - Faspeel Game - Last Essay
I want to cook up a closed description for a game that does something that "looks like" a memetic system. Decision-making can be a die roll or coin flip.
One element that is critical to a system that models deployment decision is that agents have to get a better and better idea of which decisions they themselves make are to be received by other agents.
How to process a "memetic history" of a memeplex? Memes deployed by which agents, and is there a difference between knowing the meme sequence versus knowing which agents deployed the meme (relates to "status")? Is it useful to have ways to search for strings of memes (cascades) in a history?
Do agents maintain each their own little matrix system that they keep updating, e.g., what got deployed and what led up to a memetic debt payout for them?
What about the idea of memetic replacement therapy? This is a vaguely-formed idea at present, but it's something to do with the perennial bugaboo of how a meme "justifies" or "defends" existing pathways. So there's replacement therapy, but also the insertion of additional memes (immunomemes, alliance memes, etc.) which serve to support an existing meme or pathway which may come under attack.
漫画 Louise Salute
Manga Index - Whole Step Fourth III Comic Book
Here are some comics that the AI think look like mine...
模倣子 Funniest Joke Ever
A man comes into a hospital with a broken leg. The attending physician asks, “How did this happen?”
“Well,” says the man, “twenty two years ago….”
“Wait,“ says the doctor, “what could something that happened over twenty years ago have to do with your broken leg?”
The man says, “Twenty two years ago I was driving on a country road at night and my car broke down. I didn’t know what to do and a farmer said that I could stay the night until I could get a mechanic or tow truck to come out the next day. In the middle of the night, the farmer’s daughter came to my bedroom and asked if there was anything I needed. ‘No,’ I said, ‘I don’t really need anything.’ She said, ‘Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do for you?’ ‘No thanks,’ I said, ‘I’m doing fine.’ This morning I realized what she meant and I fell off my roof.”
Need to add Jenny's Joke about the two-hearse funeral and the guy walking the dog--that was really funny!
History: Barbary Pirates, Star Forts
Star Forts
Chinese v. Western Seiges
Hitler's Minister for Defense
Short History - Barbary
Barbary - 3 minutes
USA first war on terrorism
French Army not Cowards
And...why didn't we domesticate Beavers?
Art Tips & Trix
how to draw lips
Barbie D&D costumes
Faces from any angle
faces from below
writing comedy - scifi
Auschwitz Victime 1943
She died at the Auschwitz extermination camp on February 18, 1943, after being injected with phenol into her heart.
Just before her execution, she was photographed by a prisoner named Whilem Brasse, who later spoke out against the executioner who had hit her in the face before the photo was taken, as seen by the bruise on her lip. In the photo, we see the face of a terrified young girl who didn’t even speak the language and had just lost her mother a few days earlier. She was one of about 250,000 children and young people murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
The original black-and-white photo, kept at the Oświęcim Memorial, was later colorized by Brazilian photographer Anna Amaral, who was moved by the image of Czeslawa and wanted to share it in color with the world.
Family Guy Parodies
Best of Star Wars
Best of Disney
DIsney anti-semitic
Depressing SyFy ending
Best of God
Skirting Justice
Judge Arthur S. Guerin, however, prevented her from testifying and postponed the hearing until five days later. The reason? The girl was wearing a pair of trousers.
Hulick told the Los Angeles Times: "Tell the judge I will assert my rights. If he orders me to put on a dress, I won't. I like pants. They're comfortable."
And so she showed up in trousers too at the second hearing. The judge, enraged, told her:
"The last time she appeared in this court, dressed as she is today and tilting her head back, attracted the attention of those present, the prisoners and the court more than the ongoing proceedings. She was required to return with dress appropriate for the trial. Today she returned wearing trousers, openly defying the court [...] But be prepared to be punished according to the law for contempt of court."
The girl, who had now made it a matter of principle, showed up again in trousers and was sentenced to spend 5 days in prison.
Her lawyer appealed and the Court of Appeal ruled in his favour, overturning the judge's ruling. Helen Hulick had thus obtained the right to wear trousers for herself and other women.
Leave out the actual sex part
This is actually a lot more sex education than I ever got, at least into my 20s. Yes, it's true. And I guess it's scary. Small wonder that America has the highest rate of unwanted pregnancies (about 50%) and also STD transmission rates in the industrialized world.
Pancake Period Video
Trans Rights
Trans Allies
Trans self-hatred?
Trans Health Care
I have not watched this (yet) or closely reviewed the SCOTUS case, but seems kinda hatey
模倣子 Trans Issues
Prescient Monty Python
Misha Can spot the Trans person?
Sydney Watson trans and cis women not different
Male lactation is a thing, etc.
Is Misha Petrov a transphobe?
What are TERFs?
Transphobic Memes
More Transphobic Memes
Yeah, this stuff's all pretty hatey and not funny...
My understanding (but women with the actual experience should post their own take) is that a cis-woman not being able to get pregnant or having a miscarriage is traumatic. For guys, it's traumatic to be told that one is infertile (poor quality swimmers), which can be checked under a microscope, so heartbreaking but certain, but a woman has to wonder why the pregnancy doesn't happen, or why the miscarriages don't stop, even with medical attention. Even successfully giving birth is a physically and emotionally demanding experience (again, as someone sexually standing--and cheering--on the sidelines). Pointing to the struggles and travails (or lack thereof) of these 10% of women (or however many) seems like a questionable tactic, whether political or otherwise.