
漫画 Pénélopé with Manga Hair

 Manga Index 

Why is manga weird?

Types of animation

Anime English

Link's Chronicles


漫画 Studies for Porcadis Riots

 Manga Index 

All of these are related to the continuation of the Porcadis Riots comic which is half-done. I'll be refining them and adding more here, and eventually finished pages to the comic 

Studies of Capitain de l’Église, B-males, and tinfoil hats

Tinfoil hats are difficult to draw for some reason. Futurama did a good job in the Wild Green Yonder, but the also used fading colors and such. 

Louise Mermaid

First starfish striptease mermaid

second from first mermaid starfish

Need to work on the hair bit

Starfish Tease Mermaid upside-down

Star Tease Mermaid final


Alian Restaurant Joke

Louise Seated

Louise New Vest x 2

new vest

clown fish


More History Stuff

almost all humans wiped out in prehistory

Carthage v. Rome

The Celts

The Mongols

Wars of the Roses

The Renaissance - why italy?

The Origins of the Papacy

Muslim Invasions of Europe 8-9c

Short History why didn‘t they declare war on USSR over Poland?

More why USSR no declare war over invade Poland?

Start of Operation Barbarossa

Why Kalingrad? RLL and short history

The Cold War

Israeli-Palestine Conflict

Who Controls Syria?

North Koreans in Ukraine

North Koreans defect

Russia's Stagflation

Russian Plans for Victory

Ruh-roh, Finland Joining NATO

Trump's Peace Plan

Netherlands runs the world

Canada v. Russia

China v. Russia



what is her accent? Not Arkansas? Not Texas? Not Virginia? Must be Alabama or Mississippi or something, no?

She's adorable, of course.


Testicular Feminization Syndrome

the weather


Home alone

Funny Starbucks Pick-up

Sci-Fi B-Movies to research

Early on there's a shot of the tentacled judge creature, and then there are the four white guys connected psychically, eating a hot dog. I saw these at the drive-in in Jr. High. I'd like to maybe find out which film(s) they are. Roger Corman's Battle Beyond the Stars?

Trump Sues Pollster

漫画 Louise Big Hair

 Manga Index 


Maxwell's Equations

Language Stuff

Switching Accents

Improve Listening Comprehension

Rosamund Pike and Chinese

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra

English no Future Tense

Universal Grammar

Why can't you speak your target language?

Fake Polyglots

Wholesome Yiddish

english learners mistakes

Bad (Japanese) Companies

I don't know what she's whining about. I feel like most of my jobs in the USA were like this. Unpaid mandatory overtime and working on weekends and holidays? Who hasn’t had to put up with that...? The rare exceptions were “Good Ones”!!


Robin William's Unusual Philanthropy


Years ago, I learned something really interesting about Robin Williams that changed how I watched his movies. I never actually booked him for an event, but his office once sent over his rider.

For those who don’t know, a rider is a list of things an artist needs or wants for an event—everything from bottled water and special room arrangements to sound and lighting requirements. You can learn a lot about a person from their rider. It’s where rock bands ask for green M&Ms (which is a clever way to test attention to detail). It’s also where an environmentalist might ask for a private jet to get to an event, but demand a hybrid car once they arrive so people can see they care about the environment.

But when I saw Robin Williams’ rider, I was shocked by one of his requirements. For every movie or event he did, the company hiring him had to hire a certain number of homeless people and put them to work.

After learning that, I never looked at a Robin Williams movie the same way. I'm sure he also worked with people in need in his free time, but he used his fame to encourage companies to help too. He made sure that production teams also learned the value of giving people a chance to work and get back on their feet.

I wonder how many companies kept doing this after he was gone, and how many people got the chance to work and earn money, even if it was just temporary, because of his actions.

Robin Williams used his influence in such a positive way. Let’s hope that his impact lives on even without him. Thanks, Robin Williams—not just for the laughs, but for showing us such a cool example.

Standing up with ChatGPT in French and English


My chat with ChatGPT 

Ah, cette danse des langues qui s’entrelacent dans nos esprits, c’est à la fois un défi et une aventure fascinante ! L'expression que tu mentionnes, **“美人は皆の者” (bi-jin wa minna no mono)**, est bien japonaise. Elle reflète une certaine perspective culturelle, peut-être un peu ancienne, sur la beauté et son rôle "collectif". En anglais, une version équivalente pourrait être : *"A beautiful woman belongs to everyone,"* mais ça sonnerait étrange, voire maladroit, dans le contexte occidental. Ton doute sur sa provenance est donc tout à fait compréhensible !

Quant aux faux amis, c’est génial que tu t’en sortes bien ! Mais je compatis avec les galères des **accents et des lettres doublées** : le français raffole de ses petites subtilités qui demandent de l’attention, et l’anglais, lui, a ses pièges imprévisibles comme les lettres doubles où on ne les attend pas (comme *embarrassment* ou *committee*). Le cerveau, en jonglant avec les deux, peut se perdre un peu.  

Peut-être un petit conseil : quand tu hésites sur un mot ou une expression, essaye de visualiser le contexte ou de “l’entendre” dans sa langue d’origine. Ça peut parfois déclencher le bon souvenir. Et sinon, eh bien, il y a toujours **le charme des erreurs** : elles ajoutent une touche unique à ton style !

漫画 蜘蛛の進化

 I want to do some comics stuff with several species of spider, which I think I've written about elsewhere, e.g., periscope spiders related to ant spiders, and finally deer spiders and "human spiders" (jo-ro-gumo) all of which employ antimemetic camouflage.

I'll dig up my notes on this and draw more cartoons, and try to link the cartoons I have already on this. I want to move ahead and have these to finish up Zeppelin: The Battle for Puttysburg and also the Kaizaru-related third part to that series.

Naughty Elves

Happy Christmas!

Margaret Burbridge: More Women in Astronomy

Happy Christmas!

See my page on great women who should be on the $20 bill


Dungeons & Dragons


I need to get back into D&D. It's been decades since I've played, but still. Maybe some Mensa people would like to play. I want to come up with my own variation on D&D, something that's randomly progressively self-generating. I'm still working on that.

Planetary Science

Umbriel was the mermaid in the Futurama go to the lost city of Atlanta, and Ariel is of course Disney's The Little Mermaid. Both are Shakespearian characters from The Tempest

Orbinting Uranus

Mars v. Titan as colonies

more titan v. mars

Gonggong dwarf planet

The Speed of Gravity

漫画 Alien Restaurant Joke

 Manga Index 


模倣子 Writing/drawing the other Gender

 Memetic Index 

A sister of a friend of mine was at work looking at this artwork of mine and some dude she worked with looked over her shoulder and said something along the lines of "This was not drawn by a male."



摸倣子 Starting Work on Handbook

 Memetic Index - Book List


I need to pull the content of essays into the text for the book, into chapters. Blue Shirt Tuesday will probably be at least one whole chapter, maybe more. The first chapter will be a kind of introduction, and I've already written a few pages on that, which may be enough.

Blue Shirt Tuesday will kick off the engineering problems I worked to overcome over time, and the development of the theoretical concepts which I tested and also discovered in the course of experiments. After the Blue Shirt Tuesday chapters, I think I'll write a few chapters which illuminate and elaborate the discoveries and the concepts at each stage, and then move on to the next round of experiments.

When we get down to Bus Bingo and such, we're in full-on memetic engineering, and then we can switch over to the theoretical stuff like memeplectic skins, the three-narrative model, immunomemetic-alliance meme symmetry, endomemetics, and so on. I may touch on those in the main body of the text as well.

Anyway, it looks like I already have my work cut out for me in bringing all this Blue Shirt Tuesday (BST) stuff together into a holistic manuscript. I guess I'll just start copying it all into a single Google Doc, and then work on editing it up. I have graphics and tables to contend with as well.

Wish me luck!!

Blue Shirt Tuesday Essays

I have a lot of essays, mostly with weird names, including "Macromemetic Monday," that talk about this experiment. I need to collect the links on them here, and then copy-paste them into a chapter two file for the book, and edit them, and their graphics up into something workable.

Blue Shirt Tuesday Doughnuts
Cheaters, Masochists, Sociopaths, and Proselytizers
What do Memetic States Look Like? MSDs, DDs, discussion of cheating
Analysis & Design Summary  List of essays that show notational systems and design principles
Practical Memetic Engineering Summary of projects, etc.
Macromemetic Monday (Apathy) "Busload of orphans" metaphor, discussion of doughnut project
Sushi Tuesday Song  
Libidinal Bribes & Memetic Debt  
Castes & Group Behavior  Mentions BST, "allowed" to eat the doughnuts
Nexuses and Power  
State Diagrams & Transition Matrices Has the STDs from BST
Macromemetic Monday (injection) discussion of first forays into injection theory
MacMon (overview)   overview of concepts, introduction
Best of Essays List better-curated list of essays, with comments
How memes work in the brain  short, family abuse, genocide, etc.
Mac-Mon (micromemetic comments) micromemetic definitions (cohort, inventory, etc.)
Mic-Mon (injection, unlitterbug) discuss early efforts leading to BST
Libidinal Bribes & Memetic Debt 
Choosing Libidinal Bribes 
Other Essays
Prime Pizza Thursday  
Candy Conspiracy  
First Look at Alliance Theory  
Memetic Glossary  
Why Does Alienation Lead to Violence? 
Rabbinical Packing the Meme-Space 
Bus Bingo  
Mac-Mon (alliance, RMD, etc.) 
Escaping Meme Hell Through Play 
Mac-Mon Govmt Transparency is Bad? 
Time-Sequence Essay List w/Keywords Here, and here, too.
"Essays in Progress" Looooong! Lots of different stuff


Slavaj Zizek, A Pervert's Guide to Ideology

Susan Blackmore, The Meme Machine

Richard M. Weaver, Ideas Have Consequences 


(1) Slavoj Žižek's use of the term "libidinal bribes" refers to the ways in which systems or authorities entice individuals to comply or conform by appealing to their desires, pleasures, or emotional investments. This concept often ties into his critique of ideology and capitalism, where material or symbolic rewards are offered to ensure the reproduction of the system. These "bribes" can take the form of consumer goods, status symbols, or other rewards that tap into our desires, effectively distracting or pacifying us while maintaining the status quo.

A more general or alternative term for offering a concrete reward for desired behavior could be:

  • Positive reinforcement – A behavioral psychology term describing the provision of a reward to increase the likelihood of a behavior.
  • Incentive – A more neutral term for any reward designed to motivate a specific action or behavior.
  • Quid pro quo – Latin for "something for something," implying an exchange or reward for compliance or action.
  • Gratification rewards – For behaviors linked to immediate or emotional satisfaction.
  • Transactional rewards – Highlighting the exchange-like nature of the interaction.

Žižek's use of "libidinal" specifically points to how these "bribes" play on deeper, often unconscious desires and attachments, linking them to psychoanalytic theory. Would you like an example or further exploration of this idea?


First Chapter (so far)

History Stuff

Why The Roman Empire Ended

Vikings to Blighty

The Vikings to America 500 Years Before Columbus

The Hapsburgs

The Crusades

The Reconquista

anglo-spanish war

Britain almost went islamic

Types of Communism

Types of Fascism

Why Europe Conquered the World

Countries that will go away soon

The fall of Canada...?

How to destroy a country - Iraq

explaining eastern europe

Sea levels drop 1000m

WW3 Extreme Feminism

漫画 Mermaid Louise

 Manga Index 


模倣子 Glunk-Thunking

I'll have to add a picture of Louise and Pénélopé as "The Glunk Squad" and attach it here, maybe in color...?!

“Team Terpa” or “The Glunk Group”

模倣子 High Body Count, Lily Phillips, etc.

Misha Petrov on Lily Phillips

Kim Iverson on Lily Phillips

Paul Joseph Watson on Lily Phillips

CrowderBits on Lily Phillips

Billie Rae Brant on Lily Phillips

Matt Walsh on Lily Phillips

PDS on Lily Phillips

OnlyFans Regrets by Sydney

Fresh and Fit Clips

Women on Dating Apps

No one tells women this

Men have left the friendzone

It's "cruel" to put men in the friendzone

Why Men Always Ask for Sex

Women love Aucker accent

Women's #1 Sexual Fantasy

A woman's dark agenda

Dark Secrets of the Porn Industry

Girl Bosses Ruining Successful Companies

Board Game Facts


漫画 Starfish Strip-Tease Mermaid

 Manga index 

模倣子 Scaling Problems in Macromemetics

 Memetics Index - Footnotes 


The tools of Macromemetics have proven themselves to be very effective in specific social engineering applications (1). However, applications such as the Apathy Bomb (2) in general to targeting and disrupting given organizations and movements (3) in particular require the capacity to understand and measure a number of macroscopic phenomena. 

Herein I'd like to attempt to review macromemetic theory as it stands, and outline what I see as phenomena which might be theorized but inadequately modeled, and other phenomena which might not yet be explored.

Some Concepts

In order to probe the workings of some organization (memeplex), one runs up against the question of where its "skin" is. We speak of a "cohort" of "agents" (usually people) who are in memetic contact with one another, i.e., able to exchange memes. There is the idea of identifiable contact memes (4), which describe to some extent who is "in" the memeplex and who is "out," but is this enough? So far we don't have much to go on in terms of describing how a group actually functions.

A memeplex may theoretically be described as a collection of State Matrices (S) comprised of agents (a) on one axis and memes (m) on the other, and each entry is a weight and a pointer to another state matrix with some "weight" (w.S) associated with the likelihood of said transition.


fig. 1. generic State Matrix 

Like any organism (5), the boundary, or "skin" between the organism and "the outside" is actually a nebulous zone. This must be true for memeplexes as well, but how to define it? Is the State Matrix model even useful for this? Is it practical to define, even roughly, a state matrix set for a given organic memeplex (such as a cult or terrorist organization (6)) in a way that would be useful to these sorts of analyses?

We can think of memetic pathways, where a series of memes are deployed, and the cohort moves through a series of states, which could include states involving agents "outside" the memeplex under study, in other words, the entire "supermemeplex" or global set of agents and memes (7). Can a set of pathways be "closed," as in they only lead back to states within a "submemeplex?" If so, this might be the beginning of a mathematical description of a "memeplectic skin".

I have written elsewhere about how a memeplex has a cohort and a memetic inventory, as well as a set of allowed memetic deployments, which may be written as a collection of deployment descriptors (8) or a set of state matrices. Of course, there is also a set of memes implied by both of these notations.

Memes are largely independent of the context of their deployment, i.e., a good meme is recognizable even out of context. Nonetheless, their deployment is in principle dictated by the cohort, the submemeplex, and the contextual state at the time of deployment decision.

There is also the issue of mutation and memetic change. Memetic pairing is a way in which familiar memes are used in novel ways, and this leads to new states appearing in the submemeplex. How this may be handled on the fly in the memetic state model might not be clear. A mutation to a memeplex should be able to be modeled by the addition of a new deployment descriptor, which could look like the creation of a new state matrix (if there is a new destination state), and the addition of an agent column or a meme row (or both) to an existing state matrix.

Mememtic engineering works with creating new states, new memes, new allowed deployments, and so on all the time, by the way.

Are the models of deployment descriptors and state matrices too cumbersome for use in organic (or just large) memeplex analysis, or do their flaws (if any) go even further than that? Is it, as I alluded earlier, a practical impossibility to identify memetic states within a submemeplex under study so as to enable useful and timely analysis?

Let's move on...

Closed Memetic Pathways

A memetic pathway being "closed" is surely a nebulous and unwieldy concept. Given enough time, all series of memetic transactions tend to get back to where they started (13). However, we might be able to come up with some kind of measure of "how closed" a pathway is. There is also the "Feynman Diagram Approach" (12) of recognizing that the number of ways to get from State A to State B may be large, but that the aggregate effect is that when you're in State A you're very likely to proceed to State B.

Examples might be our work, school, and church cycles. We get up, get dressed, have breakfast, commute to work/school/church (depending upon which day it is), engage in whatever local memetic system and with whichever fellow submemeplex agents are there, go through the appropriate departure ritual memes, come home, etc., lather, rinse, repeat. Does the stability of these rituals depend upon their simplicity and their tight repetition? Perhaps. Perhaps other such systems, such as the four-day work week, gig work, night school, on-line school, etc. lack crucial properties and are thus less "stable."

My idea is that the "closedness" of the set of all pathways (whatever that means) in a submemeplex is related to its "skin" and also to which agents can actually be considered part of the subcohort. Adherence to a religion (or any other organization) involves consistent deployment of its memes (eat/don't eat this, do/don't do this, and on which days). For instance (14) eat-pork!, marry!, commute!, work!, tithe!, sing-hymn!, listen!, preach! (15). In other words, memes that are "outside" the acceptable set of memes, e.g., sex!, drugs!, smoke!, rock&roll!, eat-pork!, no-marry!, no-attend-church!, no-tithe!, footloose!, dance! might all be memes which are "not allowed" within the submemeplex. Any pathways that lead to agents deploying any of these memes could be considered "outside" of the submemeplex. In other words, agents on those pathways might be considered non-subcohort members, or marginal ones.

One could imagine a town where there were many non-churchgoers, a "normal" liberal church, and a "fanatical" church. The non-goers of course don't go, so they would deploy the no-church! meme, while the others would deploy church! or if you like church!(lib) and church!(fan). Our hypothetical town being neither Sodom nor Gomorrah, we imagine the no-church! folks are still pretty "decent" in terms of no-sex! and marry! and drugs! and such but these may not distinguish them from the moderate church folk. The major distinction between agent.no-church! and agent.church!(lib) may be things like donate! or tithe! and Sermon.preacher.preach!agent.listen! (15) 

However, the church!(fan) folks may draw a hard line about no-sex! no-rock&roll! marry!(member), no-drug! and of course tithe! In other words, any pathways that include the wrong memes would NOT be within the submemeplex of the fanatical church, including no doubt many others, for example, socialize!(outsider). It would all be a stray! or shame! deployment.


How do immunomemes fit into defining the skin of a submemeplex? Does the definition I've been using so far (16) work well for this? Is it too broad?

For our purposes, a simple description of how an immunomeme fits into the state matrix model is an agent deploys a meme which gives a "bullying opportunity" to another agent. For example, a member of the cult church might want to try some pork or marry somebody outside the church:

CultChurch.agent1.eat-pork! => Apostasy
CultChurch.agent1.marry!(outsider) => Apostasy

Or, more tongue-in-cheekily:

CultChurch.agent1.eat-pork! => Yummy
CultChurch.agent1.marry!(outsider) => HappyLife

However, either one of these activities would give another member the chance (18) to shame! them:

CultChurch.agent1.eat-pork!agent2.shame! => Shamed
CultChurch.agent1.marry!(outsider)!agent2.shame! => Shamed

The downfallen church member might then be expected to make amends, do penance or expiation in order to get back in good with the church:

Shamed.agent1.penance! => CultChurch   (good standing)
Shamed.agent1.expiation! => CultChurch

I extensively explore immunomemetic notation in the state matrices I produced for Triangular Baseball (17).

So here we see how immunomemes can disallow pathways that might lead outside of the skin the submemeplex. Memes that the church does not countenance do not get enacted, or if they do, they result in a member getting kicked out, maybe, or an extra pathway back to an extra state within the immunomemeplex (here, "Shamed"). Immunomemes need a "landing" state, though this could be another existing state in the submemeplex which also serves other purposes. 

Dogmatic Loading

In the case of the apostate cult member above, we see the need for rules, and immunomemes need rules and vice-versa (17,19). You could say that not marrying outside the religion or eating pork are both dogmatic and therefor church-related, religious in nature, but you could also argue that much of what we do, even all of what we do with respect to other human beings, operates in the same way. Not marrying out defends the purity of the submemeplex, i.e., it keeps from dragging in people with different memetic inventories who might pollute and confuse extant members, or pulling people out so they have kids who have mixed ways of doing things. The pork is effectively totally dogmatic. It provides opportunities for members to bully each other, without really making the church work better. You could just as well outlaw candy bars.

You could also see it as a kind of "packing the meme-space" (see elsewhere) in that if there is a meme for everything, then there is no room for foreign memes to come in and take up shop. You can wear a T-shirt, but it has to have our logo on it--that sort of thing. This also looks like dogma.

Dogma is an anchoring point for immunomemes. Those immunomemes may serve the submemeplex by helping it to expand, preventing the ingress of alien memes which might disrupt it, or prevent members from changing their behavior, ensuring right behavior, prevent novel uses of memes which might lead to mutation, but in an organic submemeplex (like a natural religion) the immunomemeplex may have grown and evolved over time and may have become fairly arbitrary.

Summary & Conclusions

The memetic state matrix model is a mathematical model of a memetic system (memeplex) which assumes a set of agents, possible memes they can deploy, and which states ("which meme got deployed last, and by whom?") and where the system goes next and with what probability. It may be a good model, but it may have flaws and drawbacks.

Inherent in the model are "pathways" comprised of series of actions by series of people, leading to new states. It's possible for a given subcohort to have their own subset of the memetic inventory, and primarily have interactions with one another using only that memetic inventory. This could define them as a submemeplex, with a kind of "skin" across which few transactions occur. Is there a mathematical way to identify such a phenomenon by examining the state matrix set?

Immunomemes may serve to shorten or cut off memetic pathways that might otherwise lead out of a submemeplex, perhaps not to return. They disallow the free deployment of certain memes in certain contexts by directing the system elsewhere. How does this impact the "skin" of a submemeplex?

A Feynman Diagram-like take on "closed" memetic pathways--can we identify "all" pathways and their probabilities to show which pathways are "tightly closed" or "mostly open"? Can this help us identify submemeplexes and their skins?

Memeplexes mutate as they operate. How important that is at this point to this investigation remains unknown.

Further Investigation

Can we develop a rigorous definition of "closedness" of a memetic pathway based on the state matrix model? Will this lead to a definition of a submemeplex's "skin"?

Is it practical to elaborate the state (matrix) set for an organic submemeplex that we might want to investigate?

If we can extract a meaningful state matrix picture of a "large enough" submemeplex, a model or an actual organic one, can we show that a closed pathway analysis of said state matrix gives us a picture of what the memeplectic skin looks like?

Does the sparseness of the state matrices influence the skin or the propensity to memetic chain reactions? Is a zone of non-sparseness in the state matrixes of a supermemeplex indicative of a submemeplex with a well-defined skin? (9,10)

Where do Contact Memes fit into all this? Can we develop a rigorous definition for a contact meme based on an elaborated theory of memeplectic skin? Is an "interface meme" more important than a "contact meme" in terms of delineating memeplectic skin boundaries and how subcohort agents communicate across it?

Can an understanding of things like memeplectic skin, contact memes, interface memes, immunomemes, etc., allow us to influence and even disrupt submemeplexes, even from the "outside"?

What about ant spiders? Can we detect them? Destroy or flush them out? How do they relate to the memeplectic skin? How do they function, and in what environments--are there general principles?

If we're investigating a real-life submemeplex, how much of the surrounding supermemeplex do we also need to investigate in order to get a picture of its skin? Or is the assumption that we don't know at all what the organic submemeplex really is and we just start gathering data?


(1) List of memetic engineering projects such as Box-Binning, Bus Bingo, Suggestion Box (Prime Pizza Thursday), etc.

(2) A theoretical device, inspired by There is No Antimemetics Division, which would have some effect similar to "resetting" the memetic disposition of a population.

(3) Groups such as fanatical terrorist organizations, cults, or destructive political movements.

(4) A contact meme is a meme that insiders use to identify outsiders. One classic example is the Mormon missionary, whose bicycle, short-sleeve shirt and tie, name tag, travelling in pairs are memes which non-Mormons use to identify him, but they might be wrong in that identification (it might apply to some non-Mormon individuals) and it does not come with memes of knowledge of things like Family Home Evening, a knowledge of the Book of Mormon, or Temple practices. In short, it's "all that outsiders care about." It also represents a superficial set of outsider assumptions that outsiders esteem that Mormons use to identify one another, when in fact many of these contact memes may not be as important to in-group members (Mormon).

(5) c.f., Dr. David Griffth

(6) This may all sound like Draconian dystopian 1984-style mind control, but if you think of things like putting up traffic signs, it's really a form of memetic engineering to prevent accidents and make traffic flow more efficiently in a town, and this is all really the same thing. It's about helping people to get along better and decrease violence in all its forms.

(7) For example, members of a certain church might not eat certain foods or engage in certain activities on given days, but members (agents) in the supercohort (including agents "outside" the church as well as "in") might engage in these activities, so they are transactions within the supermemeplex as a whole, just not in the memeplex of the church itself. Some "church members" might nonetheless also engage in these prohibited activities, and that may take us into the murky area of what constitutes the "skin" of the church memeplex.

(8) Deployment descriptors are documented copiously elsewhere. In short, they have the form of:

State.agent.meme! => NewState

There is also an "immunomemetic notation" which is a kind of shorthand, in which one agent "sets up" another for a deployment, e.g.:

State.agent1.meme1!agent2.meme2! => OtherState

One can see how any deployment descriptor neatly describes a single entry in some state matrix, without the weighting of the deployment probability. Hence the bounding value for the total number of deployment descriptors (opportunities) in a memeplex is determined by the number of agents times the number of memes (the memetic inventory), times the number of states, hence D = a x m x S however in practice many state matrixes are sparse (9) as not all agents can deploy all memes in all circumstances (10).

(9) The sparseness (or lack thereof) of state matrices might have a strong bearing on the nature of the "submemeplectic skin" and also of the propensity for stronger memetic chain reactions around the states that are more densely packed. This remains to be seen, however.

(10) In terms of memetic chain reactions (11) a given group might partly dispense with rigid roles, e.g., children are allowed to act like preachers only in Sunday school or such, thus reinforcing the preacher memes without the preacher having to do it. This could be an example of "memetic nexus" or "memetic hub" which I discuss a lot elsewhere, by the way. It also may increase the density of deployment opportunities of more of the memes in the submemeplex, which could have the effect of making the state matrices "less sparse" which as I've discussed elsewhere increases the engagement levels of cohort members. The Catholic practice of "alter boys" and other lay roles and offices in other churches may be an example of this.

(11) "Memetic chain reactions," which I also refer to elsewhere as "memetic orgies" 

(12) A typical Feynman diagram would be the propagation of a photon from Point A to Point B. Probably the simplest path is the photon simply goes from A to B. There are a nearly infinite number of other ways, however. En route the photon may turn into an electron-positron pair, one which travels forward in time for a spell, the other backward, until they both annihilate and carry on again as the photon, and so forth. The sum of all of the probabilities adds to one, and some of them contribute little to the eventual outcome. So it goes with memetic state transitions. Any number of actions by any number of agents may lead us to the final state, e.g., that the preacher is ready to continue speaking, but if the probability that we get there is high, then we can say that the transition from State A to State B is a highly likely outcome.

(13) The "infinite closure", might be false. One thing that suggests this is the idea that states might vanish over time, i.e., that the landscape of the supermemeplex is changing as pathways are being followed. This might be a weakness in the state matrix model. But if a state should disappear (whatever this means in "real life") then all references to it in other state matrices should disappear as well, or should they? One real-life might be how men are no longer supposed to approach strange women in social situations for the purpose of initiating romantic overtures. More on that later, perhaps...

(14) Memetic notation, as mentioned before (8), has memes as lowercase plus exclamation point, e.g., eat! no-eat! (the "no-" being a loose convention). Memes may be "parameterized" which can be a useful shorthand, e.g., eat!(pork) or no-eat!(pork), marry!(member) vs. no-marry!(outsider). Sometimes it's more straightforward to just go with no-eat-pork! or marry-out!

(15) One quick notational note. We can have tight-looped states such as:

Sermon.preacher.preach! => Sermon
Sermon.preacher.preach!congregant.listen! => Sermon
Sermon.preacher.preach!congregant.shout-amen! => Sermon

Sermon.preacher.blessing! => SermonDone

In other words, lots of agents may take actions and the Sermon state is not interrupted for another state. Additionally, "listen!" is a sort of null-meme, in that the act of doing nothing to change the state is nonetheless a deliberate action on the part of the congregant(s). Even memes that might be interruptions in other contexts ("shout-amen!") allow congregant agents to take participatory actions without actually disrupting the state. In this case the state matrix is "less sparse" than if they congregants had little or no choice of action. This is an example of "packing the meme space" and giving more people more ways of engaging, or "enlistment."

(16) See "The Three Laws of Immunomemetics" which I've discussed many other places elsewhere. I'll try to provide some links.

(17) Alliance meme-Immunomeme symmetry is a topic I've begun to explore in among other places my Triangular Baseball Model. It's a promising area for study of agent interactions. In this essay I also provide a complete memetic state matrix set for the triangular baseball model.

(18) Being able to "shame" somebody for sin or other misdeed or apostasy depends upon a couple of things: other church (subcohort) members recognize the misdeed and support the shamer.

(19) The Second Law of Immunomemetics states that a system of rules or laws translates to a collection of bullying behaviors. This may be the sought-for symmetry-breaking factor between alliance memes and immunomemes, i.e., that alliance memes operate without identifiable rules--I help you, but you don't have to accept my help, per se, and I don't control the outcome.